Notes from the Field: Week of October 21st, 2024

Notes from the Field: Week of October 21st, 2024

Fall color in the grapes This week we’re wrapping up our last big picks on Jonagold, Melrose, Galarina, Enterprise Apples, Uta Pears and Kiwi Berries. There’s likely to be a final cleanup pick next week on Melrose, and Medlar to harvest in a few weeks here, but...
Notes from the Field: Week of October 14th

Notes from the Field: Week of October 14th

A bin of beautiful, canary-yellow quince. This week we’re heading into the cold, wet weather – admittedly begrudgingly – with a few last harvest pushes still ahead. Varieties left out in the field are dwindling – we’ve got some Jonagold, Melrose, Galarina, and...
Notes from the Field: Week of October 7th

Notes from the Field: Week of October 7th

Ripe Kiwi berries!! This week we’re harvesting a variety of late season fruit! Apples, pears, quince and kiwi berries are still keeping us plenty busy with harvest. We’ll also be picking our latest ripening grape variety, Neptune, this week.  Harvesting and...
Notes from the Field: Week of September 30

Notes from the Field: Week of September 30

This week started off CHILLY with a low in the 30s overnight here in Everson on Sunday night and a slight dew frost on the grass this Monday morning on parts of the farm. Autumn is surely here and the harvests prove that to be the case – we’ll be busy picking apples...
Notes from the Field: Week of September 23rd

Notes from the Field: Week of September 23rd

Kiwi Berries nearly ready for harvest This week we’re continuing Honeycrisp harvest as well as some smaller picks of dessert and cider apples, pears and potentially the first kiwi berry harvest of the year. Most of the time not spent harvesting is spent packing fruit...

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