Notes from the Field: Week of July 8

Notes from the Field: Week of July 8

This week we’re harvesting currants, working on grape canopy management, continuing pest management in apples and pears, rennovating June Bearing strawberries, weeding and applying mid-season foliar and drip irrigation applied fertilizers.  Fruit/Bud/Tree Development...
Notes from the Field: Week of July 1

Notes from the Field: Week of July 1

Methley plums sized and showing the very first signs of ripening. This week we’re beginning to harvest a few new crops on the farm – ribes and cherries! We’re balancing harvests with weed management (strawberry weeding post-harvest, and lots of weedwhacking and mowing...
Notes from the Field: Week of June 24th

Notes from the Field: Week of June 24th

Ripening Pink Champagne currants. This week top of mind is summer pruning on pome trees (especially apples), fungal and insect pest management, fertility management in young trees and grapes especially, and preparations for more harvests to come. While things are all...

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