Frost and fruit buds
With our mild winter and early spring, most fruit trees are breaking dormancy a bit ahead of normal. This time of year when the forecast is for sunny days and clear nights, it’s possible we’ll get some frost. Should you worry about those fruit buds? Critical Bud Temperatures As buds begin to swell, frost damage […]

Plant of the Week- July 30
Plant of the Week- Sea Buckthorn aka Seaberry Hippophae rhamnoides or Seaberry is a large, thorny, deciduous shrub native to Europe and Asia. It is a member of the family Elaeagnaceae, which also contains Autumn Olive and Goumi. The yellow to orange berries are extremely high in vitamin C, and is also high in malic acid, […]

Plant of the Week- July 3
Plant of the Week- Currants & Gooseberries Currants and Gooseberries are all members of the genus Ribes. This large genus includes all the fruiting black, red, and white currants, gooseberries, and hybrids including Jostaberry, as well as many flowering ornamental shrubs (including our native Red Flowering Currant, Ribes sanguineum). For many years, the planting of […]

Plant of the Week- June 25
Plant of the Week- Diospyros kaki Asian Persimmon The Asian persimmon is native to China, and has been in cultivation for more than 2000 years. There are many varieties in commercial cultivation, but most of them are unsuitable for the Pacific Northwest due to their need for summer heat. Most Asian Persimmons require long, fairly […]

Plant of the Week- May 3
Plant of the Week- Elaeagnus umbellata or Autumn Olive Autumn Olive is a deciduous shrub native to Asia. Growing to 8′-10′ in our climate, in the wild it can reach 20′ or more. This shrub has silvery foliage, small cream colored flowers, and fall fruit of bright red (or sometimes golden berries. In the Pacific […]

Plant of the Week- April 26
Plant of the Week- Actinidia sp. or Kiwis Kiwis, kiwifruit, and Chinese gooseberry are some the common names for the fruit of vines of the genus Actinidia. In the produce section of most supermarkets, the kiwifruit found is the fruit of the Fuzzy Kiwi, or Actinidia deliciosa. Saanichton is the selection of this species that […]