Category: General

Fruit Fly Maggots in Berries
Fruit Fly Maggots in Berries

It’s summer fruit time, with strawberries at their peak, cherries just starting to ripen, currants and gooseberries turning color and raspberries on the horizon. I’ve had a couple of calls lately about worms in various berries last summer and how to prevent them this summer. The worms are most likely the larvae of Spotted Wing […]

Mildew Explosion!
Mildew Explosion!

The past couple of weeks, people are really starting to see powdery mildew raise its ugly head. Powdery mildew is caused by fungus in the genus Podosphaera. Powdery mildew spores overwinter in the leaf buds of plants, and germinate just as the new shoots are emerging. At that stage, sulfur or lime sulfur sprays can […]

Apple and Pear Scab
Apple and Pear Scab

Early April has been both cool and rainy. With this kind of weather, we have our thoughts on fungal disease control in the orchards. One of the greatest challenges to growing apples and pears in our climate is scab, a fungal disease (Venturia inaequalis on apples, Venturia pirina on pears). Preventing this disease is key […]

Watching Bud Stages
Watching Bud Stages

It’s the time of year that fruit trees are coming out of dormancy and buds are swelling. Using the swelling of bud to time preventative sprays is the most accurate way to control diseases on your fruit trees. By watching the buds on your fruit trees, you can time fungicide and bactericide sprays so they […]

Apple Maggot Update
Apple Maggot Update

We’ve had several customers call after noticing that their apples (or pears) have apple maggot in them this year. The most asked question is, “What can I do now to prevent this from happening next year?” We’ve posted in the past how to time sprays for apple maggot. Unfortunately, if you’re using organic controls, it only […]

European Pear Harvesting

We’ve posted before about timing harvest of pears and apples, how to tell when they are ripe, when to pick, and how to store. As summer ends and fall begins, we are ramping up the harvest of pears and apples at Cloud Mountain. Every year, we are asked how to tell if pears are ready […]

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