Salad Greens Production
by Matthew McDermott, production manager, and Rob Jordan, post harvest manager For many people, mixed baby greens are a popular salad choice all year round. As part of the CMFC food production, mixed baby greens are grown for the local wholesale and retail outlets from May-November. As part of a 2012 specialty crop grant, and […]

Summer Harvest Day and Open House
Sunday, August 18 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Cloud Mountain Farm Center will be hosting an Open House and Summer Harvest Day. This is an opportunity for you to come out and visit to learn about the various crop and production trials and internship program happening here. We’ll have stations set up with a […]
Greens Harvesting Machine in Action
A little better view of the greens harvester in action. This was shot at the production trial growing at Cedarville Farm.
Leafy Greens Harvesting Update
In our three year leafy greens trial, part of the grant allowed us to purchase equipment for seeding and harvesting the greens. This equipment is being used at the farms in the trial, and is housed here at Cloud Mountain. This piece of equipment will allow very fast and efficient harvesting of greens, including mixed […]

Leafy Greens Trials
Over the next few months, we will be reporting on Cloud Mountain Farm Center’s most extensive project, a Leafy Greens Trial. In the fall of 2012, we began, in conjunction with WSU faculty, the first phase of a three year project. The goal of the first phase: Identify leafy green varieties that are well suited […]