The Best Time To Plant
I wanted to expand on my last post about summer planting. A more general question we get in the nursery at Cloud Mountain is “when is the best time to plant?” In our maritime climate, you can plant almost any time of year. But as I discussed in the last post, summer planting means more […]

Summer Planting
We’re often asked by customers if they can plant this time of year, or should they wait for fall. The simple answer- you can plant if you can water. Having said that, it is best not to plant during a real heat wave, when daytime temperatures are in the mid-80’s or higher. Put your plants […]

Growing in Containers
We talk to many people these days that want to grow perennial and woody plants in containers. Maybe because they live in an apartment or condo, and don’t have a yard, or because they find it easier to manage. But growing plants in containers is actually a little trickier than growing in the ground. Some […]

Plant of the Week- June 11
Plant of the Week- Oregon Box or Paxistima myrsinites Oregon box is one of the lesser know natives in Pacific Northwest nurseries. This low growing evergreen shrub can be found from Mexico into British Columbia and Alberta, east into the Rocky Mountains. Oregon box is remarkable in its adaptability, growing from sea level to sub […]

Plant of the Week- May 21
Plant of the Week- Styrax japonicus Late May and early June in the garden is a time of flowering abundance. Most woody plants have flowered by now, but the annuals and perennials are just starting up. There are a few trees that wait to flower until now, though. One of the finest is the Japanese […]

Plant of the Week- April 19
Plant of the Week- Pinus species or Pines Walking around the nursery and the display beds at the farm this week, I can see the various pines are waking up and starting to grow. Their new growth tips are one of the true signals that spring is really here! Conifers (and other evergreens) provide structure […]