Plants for Problem Places: Salt Spray

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It’s a dream for many, living right on the beach. But that ocean view comes with a price. The salt from the spray can be very tough on plants. We have put together a list of plants that not only tolerate salt spray, but thrive in a coastal exposure.


  • Arbutus menziesii or Pacific Madrone. Beautiful, moderate sized evergreen tree, very difficult to establish, but thrives in coastal areas. Messy leaf litter.
  • Arbutus unedo or Strawberry Tree. Small evergreen tree with ornamental strawberry-like fruits in the fall. A close relative of our native Madrone.
  • Cryptomeria japonica Japanese Cedar. Several cultivars available, small to medium sized conifers. Need moist summer soil to thrive.
  • Eucalyptus sp. Several varieties of evergreen trees, small to large growing.
  • Ginkgo biloba Several cultivars available, from 10′ dwarfs to 40′ shade trees. Prefer deep soils. Spectacular fall color.
  • Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum or Tupelo. Moderate sized shade tree, to 30′-40′, tolerant of wet soil. Brilliant fall foliage color
  • Pinus sp. Two-needled Pines. Includes Shore pine, Japanese Black pine, Scots pines, and Mugo pines. Five-needled pines are not tolerant of salt.

ShrubsHoward McMinn Manzanita

  • Acuba japonica Evergreen shrubs, ornamental berries, many cultivars available, best in shade.
  • Arctostaphylos sp. Manzanita & Kinnikinnik. Moderate sized evergreen shrubs and groundcovers. Prefer well-drained soils, drought tolerant when established
  • Ceanothus sp. California wild lilac. Many cultivars available, most are evergreen with blue or white summer flowers. Drought tolerant when established
  • Cistus Evergreen shrubs, many cultivars available, growing from 2′-8′ depending on variety. Full sun, needs well-drained soils.
  • Elaeagnus sp. Deciduous and evergreen shrubs, most are drought tolerant when established, many of the deciduous species have edible fruit. Nitrogen fixers so good in poor soils.
  • Erica sp. Low, evergreen shrubs for sun and good soil. Both winter and summer blooming varieties are available.
  • Escallonia Escallonia are evergreen shrubs, many cultivars available, with summer flowers of pale to deep pink. Can be sheared for low hedges.
  • Euonymous japonica Evergreen shrubs in many colors, shapes and sizes.
  • Gaultheria sp. Salal and its relatives. Evergreen small shrubs or large groundcovers, prefer moist soil in summers and partial shade.
  • Hebe sp. Shrub Veronicas. Evergreen shrubs and groundcovers, many with colorful foliage and foliage.
  • Hippophae rhamnoides Seaberry Vigorous deciduous shrubs with silvery leaves and edible, orange berries. Both male and female plants needed for fruit. Suckering root systems make them good for erosion control.
  • Hydrangea sp. Bigleaf and other Hydrangeas. Deciduous shrubs, a variety of flower color and size available, all need summer moisture and prefer partial shade.

    Pacific Wax Myrtle

  • Juniperus sp. Available in many shapes and sizes, from low groundcovers to medium sized trees. All need well drained soils.
  • Lavendula sp. Shrubby herbs grown for their fragrant flowers. They need full sun and well drained soils.
  • Lonicera sp. Shrub Honeysuckles. Deciduous and evergreen shrubs, many with fragrant flowers and/or ornamental or edible berries.
  • Morella (Myrica) californica Pacific Wax Myrtle. Evergreen shrub native to the West Coast. Can grow quite large if wind protected. Can be sheared for size control or hedges.
  • Pittosporum sp. Pittosporums or Tobira. Evergreen shrubs, most growing to 10′-12′ or more, easily hedged. Check hardiness for your area. Pittosporum heterophylla,  or Chinese Pittosporum is the hardiest of the species.
  • Rosa sp. Species and Wild Roses. Many roses are quite tolerant of salt spray. Check for disease resistance if planting hybrids; the moist air can cause mildew and blackspot problems.
  • Rosmarinus officinalis (Salvia rosmarinus) Shrubby evergreen herbs, needs well drained soils and full sun. Drought tolerant when established.
  • Viburnum sp. Deciduous and evergreen shrubs in a wide range of shapes, sizes and flower color.

Perennials & Bulbs

  • Achilla sp. Low ferny foliage topped by flat flowerheads in summer. Many colors available.
  • Armeria sp. Grassy foliage topped in late spring by ball shaped flower heads, usually pink. Drought tolerant when established.
  • Camas sp. Mid spring bloomers, most often blue, from bulbs. Tolerant of winter wet soils, often go dormant by early summer.
  • Erigeron sp. Many species of daisy like flowers native to the West Coast, and their hybrids.
  • Frittilaria sp. Chocolate Lily. Native lily relatives with interesting checkered flowers in early spring. Summer dormant.
  • Iris tenax Pacific Iris. Evergreen iris native to coastal California and Oregon.
  • Sedum sp. Deciduous and evergreen succulents, many colors and sizes, more often grown for leaf texture rather than flowers.
  • Lavatera sp. Bush Mallow. Really a shrub, not a perennial, but best if cut to ground each spring. Prefers sandy, lean soils, full sun.


  • Calamagrostis sp. Reed Feather Grass. Tall deciduous grasses, several named varieties.
  • Festucas sp. Short evergreen clumping grasses, several in blues and grays. Drought tolerant when established.
  • Helictotrichon sempervirens Blue Oat Evergreen blue grass, moderated sized, to 2′, drought tolerant when established.
  • Pennisetum sp. Fountain Grass. Deciduous clumping grasses, ornamental flowers.


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