Nocturne is a cross of northern highbush blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum and southern rabbit eye blueberry, Vaccinium ashei. Mostly self fertile, Nocturne was selected for both its productivity and ornamental value. The medium to large berries ripen mid-to-late season with dark blue-black berries, contrasting with the bright coral colored unripe fruit. The flavor is sweet and slightly wild. Grows to 5′-6′.
Blueberry Notes
- Available for pickup at the nursery from early February through the first weekend of November. Pre orders begin early January. Check website for updates.
- Plant two varieties for pollination (except Self-fertile varieties)
- Blueberries ripen July-August
- Highbush mature at 5-6′ high
- Compact highbush grow to 3-4′
- Space 3′-4′ for Compacts, 4-6′ for Highbush
- Dwarfs grow 10″ to 30″ high, space 1′-3′
- Best in moist, acidic soil with no grass or weed competition