Search Results for "japanese maple"

Winter Damage, Spring 2022

Winter Damage, Spring 2022

Mid-May, and my 29 year old Desert King Fig is still not leafed out. Usually by this time, it has leaves and is beginning to push new growth. This old fig sits against our sunroom, and has never had significant winter damage before, even though I live where we get significant Fraser outflow winds. But […]

Verticillium Wilt in the Garden

Download a pdf on Verticillium Wilt Diagnosis A plant in your yard is dying. It is late summer, and, one limb at a time, the leaves shrivel and drop off. You cut a limb that has died from the poor tree and cut into it. You see black or brown streaking in the wood. This […]

Plants for Problem Places: Shade

Download a pdf of Plants for Problem Places: Shade Many gardens in the Northwest have the fortune of old conifers as part of their makeup. These spectacular trees are a wonderful sight, but gardening under them can be a challenge. The deep shade of mature evergreens prevent many flowering plants from setting buds, but there […]

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